Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our Hardest Part of Post-Adoption

As part of the adoption of Little Dude, we promised to file post-adoption reports for the next three years.  Over that span of time, a Social Worker will visit our home 6 times (2 down, 4 to go!).  Each visit lasts about an hour as she poses questions about Little Dude, his health, his adjustment, and our adjustment as a family.  The report then remains on file with said agency, our placing agency, and Little Dude's birth country.  Each time our Social Worker leaves our home, she takes with her duplicate copies of 14 photographs of Little Dude~ one of which must be a family photo.  This, my friends, has been our biggest post-adoption challenge.  I'm not sure we've yet gotten a family photo where all 3 boys are looking at the camera.
[notice the boys sporting their Russia t-shirts and Moscow hats and Daddy & Mommy their Adoption Bug t-shirts]
And more often than not, any attempt at a photo session quickly dissolves into a wrestling match...
Please bear this in mind as you open our Christmas card this year, because chances are that those photo attempts won't go any better.


1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love those three boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
